Audio4fun Welcomes April Fools’ Day with Special Offer

From now to April 1st, customers who visit Audio4fun store can purchase Voice Changer Software Diamond and/or Webcam Morpher for 30% Off.

(– Audio4fun’s best sellers – The Voice Over Tool (AV Voice Changer Software Diamond) and The Webcam Chat Enhancer (AV Webcam Morpher) – are being offered 30% discount to celebrate April Fools’ Day, the funniest holiday of the year. This offer will end on April 1st, 2013. For further details, visit their website

Although many people consider April Fools’ Day as a somewhat silly and minor holiday, Audio4fun applauds the many positive effects it can bring to us. This is also one day that people all around the world do something really fun and funny “together.” This year Audio4fun suggests that you can make April 1st something other than just another “normal” April Fools’ Monday; this year you can improve on the tired, “Oh there’s a spider on your shoulder” gags; you can take the idea of people making fun of each other and laughing together to a whole new level. A quick visit to their website will point the way.

The Audio4fun store is flooded everywhere with fun, and visitors can effortlessly find a good prank maker. Audio4fun’s products were born to color cyberspace, and even real life, with laughter. On April Fools’ Day, thanks to the assistance of AV Voice Changer Software Diamond and/or AV Webcam Morpher, users can sound and act like anybody else, regardless of age or gender. These products will bring many happy surprises and laughter to your friends (after fooling them, of course.) But seriously, it’s all in good, safe fun; no jokes made with Audio4fun’s products can cause actual harm to the others. Audio4fun only recommends creating “healthy” pranks, used merely for fun and positive entertainment.

If you decided to celebrate the day in a merrier and more creative way, you’d better not skip a visit to the April Fools’ Day activities at Audio4fun and take advantage of that great 30% discount. On the Audio4fun webpage you’ll find a wealth of great ideas for your April Fools’ Day jokes and other possibilities.